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Barbie Girls Forum

Date: 22/05/2008

By: bg adict

Subject: no.1 fanclub/fansite for bg


Date: 22/05/2008

By: bg adik

Subject: the no.1 bg fansite/fanclub

the no.1 and official barbiegirls fansite/fanclub is <a href="">

Date: 21/05/2008

By: Ms. Need Help!

Subject: problema dilemma!

Can anyone tell me why this is hapenning:
when i logged in to barbiegirls starting May09 when i press go! a barbiegirls pop up appears saying OPPS! WERE EXPERIENCING TECHINICAL DIFFICULTIES PLEASE TRY AGAIN IN A FEW MINUTES and it always happens again! what can i do?

Date: 01/06/2008

By: barbiegirlswebsite

Subject: Re: problema dilemma!

Me too! I called mattel they told me they will fix it next week! :(

Date: 17/05/2008

By: natasha909

Subject: can u tell me?

plz tell me were can i get vip images?

Date: 15/05/2008

By: TIffany

Subject: Site Updates

Hiya everyone! You can now learn more about barbiegirls VIP on

Date: 14/05/2008

By: Delimarie21

Subject: OMG

I need help I wanted to sing on my barbiegirl and it says sorry we are in technical diffuclties tell me how to solve this problem

Date: 13/05/2008

By: jella

Subject: wierd

wierd u all

Date: 11/05/2008

By: djokovic232

Subject: omg

barbie girls is better then EVER! im so happy they finally listened to us: chat again, more games (with more bbucks!)!
thing is, those that have a barbie girl plz listen; ive heard people saying in many forums that "they get the codes off the cd!" i dont get it!
if its true, how do u do it! id love a full explanation. im waiting. . . see ya girls

Date: 12/05/2008

By: Tiffany

Subject: Re: omg

The code off the CD, if that is true, that would be cool! Which forums did you visited?

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